Imperial Conversion Factors to Find Metric Measurements
Imperial conversion factors is a handy tool when working between the metric and imperial systems. Feel free to print it off and store it beside your scale rule and calculator for easy reference. You never know when you may need it, the designer’s motto “Have it on Hand”.
Imperial to Metric Conversion Factors
Inches to millimetres x 25.4
Feet to millimetres x 0.3048
Links to metres x 0.201168
Miles to kilometres x 1.609
Square inches to square millimetres x 654.16
Square feet to square millimetres x 0.929
1 Mile = 1.6091 kilometre
1 Chain = 20.1168 metres
1 Yard = 0.9144 metres
1 Foot = 0.3048 metres
1 Inch = 25.4 millimetres
1 Square Mile = 2.590 square kilometres or 259.0 hectares
1 Hectare = 10,000 square metres
1 Acre = 4046.9 square metres or 0.40469 hectares
1 Square Yard = 0.8361 square metres
1 Square Foot = 0.09290 square metres
1 Square Inch = 645.2 square millimetres
1 UK Gallon = 4.456 litres
1 US Gallon = 3.758 litres
1 UK Quart = 1.137 litres
1 US Quart = 1.101 litres
1 UK Ton = 1016.5 kilograms
1 US Ton = 907.2 kilograms
1 UK Hundredweight = 50.8 kilograms
1 US Hundredweight = 45.36 kilograms
1 Pound = 0.4536 kilograms
1 Troy Ounce = 31.10 grams